
Please help NLCC continue its pioneering work performing, recording, and commissioning the most exciting choral repertoire of all periods, but especially, of course, today.

We’re not geared up to receive donations by cheque or other offline means. Instead, we use DonationManager as our payment provider. Before going to their website, please note these important points:

  1. If you are a UK tax payer we should be able to reclaim tax credits worth 25% on top of your donation. Please enter your name and address and make the declarations required by HMRC. We do not receive this information.
  2. NLCC would like to know that you have given. To allow that, you’ll need to leave the ‘Make my donation anonymous’ box unchecked. We won’t send you any spam and you will be in charge of our relationship. Your details will not be handed to anyone else, and if you ask us to stop contacting you, we will.
  3. If you wish your donation be applied to a specific purpose, for example, commissioning a new work or contributing towards an own-promotion concert, please add a message where indicated in the donation site. 

Thank you for giving. Your donations help us continue our work putting on exciting concerts of new music.